The image you use for your Facebook advertising campaign is one of the most important elements of your ad because it’s what will initially compel your audience to engage with you – but it may be an afterthought for many businesses. So, how can you select great images for your Facebook ads? Here are five tips to get you started!
One of the first rules for images on the web today is that they are authentic and high quality. Apply this standard to the images in your ads as well. Why? Because your ad on Facebook will be competing with everything else in the News Feed. That’s why Facebook images that are stunning enough to stop your prospect mid-scroll are ideal. Investing in quality photographs, illustrations, and images that are authentic and representative of your business, not just stock imagery, can help boost your campaign performance.
When you’re advertising on Facebook, you want your target customers to do something, right? Like: stop, read, and hopefully click on or engage with the ad itself. Well, your Facebook ad image is the most compelling, strong visual component of your ad, so make it a point to find interesting and engaging images that your audience will respond to.
Images that convey a positive, energetic aesthetic tend to perform well in general online, and colorful, fun, bright imagery is currently a very hot trend in digital photography. Again, think about the consumer and what they’re doing when they will see your Facebook ad: they’re scrolling through a News Feed on the Facebook mobile app or on their desktop or tablet, seeing everything from photos of their friends’ adorable new babies to a high-budget trailer for the latest blockbuster film. Using color and positive imagery in your ads can give them a natural visual boost that will help them stand out amidst the scroll.
Images that are clean and generally uncluttered will appeal more in general, so it’s a good idea to avoid using a lot of small text on your image or a very cluttered composition. Be strategic about the use of text on images, and reserve it for strong, simple phrases, like an offer or value proposition. In most Facebook ad formats, you’ll have several areas apart from your image where you can use text – on the headline, on the summary, and even in link description text. So leave most of the message aspect of your ad to the natural text part, and use images that are strong, simple, and compelling.
One great thing about Facebook advertising is that it enables you to test different aspects of your creative and see what works best to drive your desired result. Images are a great area to test. Does your target audience respond better when images have text or no text? Test it! Do interesting images with people outperform photos of your products or services? Test it! Get started selecting some Facebook ad images that feel like a good representation of your brand – that will appeal to your audience – and then start running them to see what types of images perform best for which audiences and messages.
Every Facebook audience is different – indeed each user’s individual News Feed is different! – so make it a point to choose high-quality, engaging images; keep copy minimal; and learn something each time you run a Facebook ad. You’ll soon be developing a set of Facebook image selection best practices of your own!